
-3The "warning area" is an area surrounding the proving grounds
within which it is determined that a hazard to shipping or aviation
exists, We have established many such areas as have other governments,
This map shows such areas off the Pacific Coast at Point Magu, and off

the Hawaiian Islands.

Here is a large guided missile warning area

from Florida across the Bahamas.

Here is one maintained by Great

Britain off Australia, Including our continental warning areas, we
have established a total of 447 such warning and/or danger areas,

This particular warning area was first ‘established in 1947, The United

Nations were advised and appropriate notices were carried then and
subsequently in marine and aeration navigational manuals,

Despite such notices there are many instances where accidents
or near accidents have resulted from inadvertent trespass in such
warning areas, Thewery size of them makes it impossible to fence
or police them,/For the day of shot number one, the meteorologists
“natiprédmted a wind condition which should have carried the fall-out
to the north of the group of small atolls lying to the east of Bikini.
The survey aircraft carefully searched the area and reported no
shipping, The shot was fired. The wind failed to follow the predictions
but shifted south of that line and the little islands of Rongelap, Ronyerik,
and Uterik were in the path of the fall-out. A Japanese fishing trawler,
the FORTUNATE DRAGON, appears to have been missed by the
search but, based on a statement attributed to her skipper, to the
effect that he saw the flash of the explosion and heard the concussion
six minutes later, it must have been well within the danger area, The
23 crew members on the ship, 28 American personnel manning weather
stations on the little islands, and the 236 natives on these islands were
therefore within the area of the fall-out, The supposition that the actual
blast of the tomb extended over such enormous areas is of course
entirely incorrect,
The Task Force Commander promptly evacuated all the people

from these‘ islands.




They were taken t> Kwajalein where we maintained

a naval establishment and there placed under continuous and canpetent
medical supervision. I visited them there last week, Since that time,
it has been determined that our weather personnel could he returned
to duty but are still being kept on Kwajalein for the benefit of further
observation, None of the 28 weather personnel have burns, The 236
natives also appeared to me to be well and happy, The-exeeptions—
of diabetes;the-other-#vey Stawoman with crippling|arthritis,

Neither.of: thesecxses"HaveConnettionwiththe-tests.


a full month after the event, the medical staff on Kwajalein have
advised us that they anticipate no illness, barring of course disease
which might be hereafter contracted, ~One.wchild.-has.beenborn
in the.gromp.and.othensare-expected”



The situation with respect to the 23 Japanese fishermenis less
certain due to the fact that our people have not yet been permitted
by the Japanese authorities to make a proper clinical examination,
It is interesting to note, however, that the reports which have recently
come through to us indicate that the blood count of these men is
comparable to that of our weather station personnel, SkhrtesTots

ohgerved are thoughtto b

-torthe-mMeMtcd)Activityof the.converted

material in the cox
ther than to- radioactivity;-since-these lesions»
a@are-said to-be already healing, The men-are ‘under-continustobservation

by Japanese physicians, and we are representediinaSapa ‘by Dr, Morton

of the
Atomic BombCasualtyCommiesionandMr,Eisenbudof the

Atonfié Energy Commission,


Select target paragraph3