Recently, a full-time Marshallese nurse-

They have most frequently

of the country's outstanding researchers.

has been primarily on a 1:1 basis - using many

Liason esteblished over the preceding 25 years

Academic liason - the pattern of professional

been unpaid, highly qualified sub-specialists with
a primary interest in the area of thyroid pathology.

throughout the U.S.

period have been volunteers recruited from
leading medical centers and research centers

The remainder of the staff over this 25-year

Marshalls and a technician previously based
at Brookhaven National Laboratory has
been transferred to the Marshall Islands.

practioner has been adcew to the staff in the

Secretary - since the vast majority of the staff will continue to be voluntary and in

Since one of the

The new liasons will therefore involve cooperative efforts with

It is the opinion of a number of experts in this field that the medical programs

Therefore we have contacted the dean of the medical shool at the University of Southern

for the low level radiation groups be university based with a non-nuclear identity,


large academic and contractural centers who are able to mount and maintain major field

support must be refined.

5 week period, it becomes obvious that multiple field teams must be developed and logistic

is limited to 16 shipboard personnel who are able to examine approximatly 500 people in a

health risks.
3) such a program will necessitate the close integration and cross-cultural ties necessary
to provide effective corffmunication,
The plan will be to develop a core of innovative
health educators to train Marshallese from the affected atolls.
These Marshallese will
in turn, train a cadre of Marshallese. The goal of this program is to establish a fully
competent and independent Marshallese training group using a Brookhaven National Laboratory
health educator as a resource person.
4) with the incremental increase in the population under study (from 400 to 2000) and
characteristics of the current logistic support system, i.e., at present the medical team

be given to developing a health education program designed:
1) to explain the role of each medical/radiation programs
2) discuss openly and freely radiation risks and to put them in an understandable cultural
context and ia turn to put those risks in relationship with the indigenous primary

primary criticisms repeatedly brought against the US Department of Energy program has been the
lack of communication the present principal investigator feels that initially top priority should

government but also from the affiliated academic institutions and consultants.

Many cases, in a compensatory pay status, rapid hard copy communication and coordination is
essential to the program,
In addition, the need for a full-time, highly qualified, innovative health educator has been
This request has come not only from all segments of the Marshallese people and


it is mandatory that some individual familiar with the intricacies of the program bd available
and resident at Brookhaven National Laboratory during the absence of the principal investigator.
This individual should be supported by:

complexity of the program involving multiple governmental agencies and academic institutions,

Two and a half months later, a five week survey begins in mid-May, directed primarily toward
pediatric care but designed also to follow-up on abnormal thyroid findings and to examine patients
missed on the January survey.
The staff is essentially the same with the substitution of a
pediatrician for a thyroid specialist.
The third survey occurs two and one half months later in mid-September and concentrates
primarily on delivering dental care and performing ancillary studies..., i.e., diabetes, etc.
The staff is as before with the substitution of a dentist for the pediatrician.
The rapidly expanding character of this program has made it necessary to add the following
Research Coordinator - since the principal investigator has been traveling 60% of
the time since assuming direction of the program, and there has been a marked increase in the

and 2 RN's).

to balance the field survey staff so that the basic adult screening protocol can be obtained
in a five week survey, beginning in mid-January, including a staff of 14 professionals (4 MD's

Select target paragraph3