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in surface waters of the United States in 1966 reported by Moghissi and

Porter (1968). Koranda (1965) has shown that there is approximately 10°

times more tritium in bound water than in loose water in soils at Eniwetok
Atoll, but that there is little exchange of the bound water with the loose
water. Hence, it is probable that there will be no major changes in the
tritium concentration of well water at Bikini Atoll.
Algae collected from the wall of the drained cistern at Bikini I. in June
1970 contained 100 pCi/g dry weight of 3577-9 5Nb , presumably from the French
nuclear tests in the South Pacific. Marine algae collected at the same time
from the reefs at Eneu I. contained 0.1 pCi/g of 957 7-95Nb dry weight.


Bikini can be expected to remain a useful area for the study of the redistribution of radionuclides for at least several decades. This is especially
true since rapid advances are being made in the technology of radionuclide

The present levels of radionuclides and their distribution at Bikini are
not likely to change significantly except for a decrease in amounts from
physical decay. Exceptions are expected where physical disturbances occur
during the replanting on land. If one of the rare typhoons should strike
Bikini, there would be a major redistribution of the fine sediments, either
a redistribution within the lagoon, a flushing from the lagoon, or both.


Select target paragraph3