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All of the fallout radionuclides at Bikini are found in the surface of

undisturbed soils. The predominant radionuclides are °°>Fe, ©°co, 2%Sr,

1253p, 137cs and 2°7Bi (Tables 1-5).

In the Bravo Crater sediment, 69¢o and 297Bi are the predominant radio-

nuclides, although others are present in small quantities. The soils and
sediments are the principal reservoirs of radionuclides at Bikini.
The concentrations of radionuclides, other than plutonium, in surface soil
samples collected in 1969 are given in Table 1. The samples were taken
from areas where the highest gamma dose rates were measured and hence are
maximum values. Differences in proportions of different radionuclides at
the islets sampled are obvious. The unusually low concentrations of 137¢g5
relative to other radionuclides in the Eneman samples result from periodic
flooding of the area by tidal water and consequent leaching away of 137¢g
(Tables 2 and 3).


The results of gamma-ray spectrum analyses of the composite and individual
samples collected in 1970 are given in Table 4. In general, radionuclide
concentrations are lower in bulldozed areas than in undisturbed areas,
The exceptions to this generality are not surprising, since the lowest and
highest values for individual samples from single transects differ by
factors of more than ten. Fallout radionuclides in undisturbed atoll soils
remain concentrated at the surface for many years (Held et al., 1965;
Welander, 1967). The surface ten centimeters at wellpoint four at Bikini
Island were sampled by one-half centimeter increments in 1970, and the
samples show a gradient of decreasing radionuclide content with increasing
depth (Table 5).
Soil samples analyzed for plutonium were generally selected from areas
containing the highest concentrations of gamma-emitting radionuclides.
Exceptions were samples from the camp area at Bikini I. and along the run-

way at Eneu I.

The results of the plutonium analyses are given in Table 6; !37’cs concentrations are included in the table because they indicate a correlation
between 137¢g and 239,249pu concentrations in samples from Bikini I.
The ratios of *29,249py to 238pu approach 2:1 at Eneman I. and are about

15:1 in Bravo Crater sediment. Bikini soils contained no detectable 238pu,

although they contained the highest concentrations of *39,249pu of the
samples analyzed.


The radionuclides are available to the land animals through the vegeta-

tion, or other animals, where there is selection of specific radionuclides,

or through direct ingestion of soil. Similarly, the marine animals may

ingest radionuclides by eating another organism or by ingesting sediments.

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