
Change USN Element as

lst Increment Phaseout
Final Phaseout


(5 persons)

(3 persons)

- 15 Apr 79

- 1 July 79

Page Y-1-I-1
Change line 17 to read - 4 persons in Apr 79
and - 2 persons in July 79

Change line 18 to read - July 79

Page Y-1-J-2

Change line 4 to read - End of tour, June 79
Change line 6 to read - End of tour, May 79

Change line 7 to read - End of tour, July 79

"Any further requirements between June and
October 79 will be as TDY."

Page Y-2,

line 27 - Change DOE to DOI.

Page Y-1-B-2
Insert new entry to read:

"1 Oct 79 - Shutdown and commence demobilization of
liquid nitrogen plant."
Page Y-l1-H-2, lines 14 and 15
An uncertainty, at present,

is whether or not another

phase of soil sampling may be required to deal with
Strontium-90 questions.

If so,

then the surveyors and

draftsman would be needed during that period which should
end by June 79 at the latest.

Select target paragraph3