is usually toc fseble t> measure with a hand monitor ~ that air
sampling doses not give precise results as the amount of the passing air does not bear a direct relationship to what falls on the
ground, The best measures of the astual fallout available to date
are labcratory analysis of fallout on gummed paper, in collecting

pots, and actual analysis of the scil,

There is a dissussisn of atmospheric radiccontamination
as a result of ucsoatrolled release of materials such as radio-

krypton and radioiodine from power reactors and processing plants.

They point ont that continued centrol over release of these products as is now dena *- s essential, Controsi is by permitting a
*esooling" time for short-lived radicactive materials tc decay away,
by off-gas Greening; afnd by soheduling release cf materials with
due regard to meteors logical
al conditions at the time,
There +8a 3e5tt nonp ossible uses of radioactive
ance of metecrolsgy, Natural
elpfiul in understanding vertical move=
ments of air from the“land, W¢ apchs testa have taught much with

respect to lateral spread of air masses at vericus altitudes - how

rain scavenges the atmcsphers of particles = the rate of transport
from the stratospnére ts the tropesphere and the removal time for

water from the atmosphere,

Experiments cculd be conducted using

introduced radicactive materials under controlled conditions to
study air flow and diffusion rates, hydrometecrology, i.e., ton=
densation, precipitation and evapcration, and to study electricity

of the atmospheres especially the pcssible relationship of electri-

eal fields to the weather,

As to efrects of nuclear weapons testing on the weather
the committee stated:

for rain.


Nuclear Weapon debris was not effective as a seeder


The amount of ionization produced is insignificant

in meteorvclogical terms,


3, There has been nc measurable decrease in the amount
of diract sunlight reaching the earth whereas voleances have known
to decrease it by as mich as 10-20% for appreciable periods of time,
The apparent
recent insreass in severe starms is
probably the resulz of "improved metheds of reporting,"

Select target paragraph3