duction reactors such as those at the Hanford Works, The Bikini
fallout incident made it abundantly clear that fallout was important from the standpoint of continued weapons testing and as a

factor in civil defense planning,

The problem of radiation effects

has bean under continuing review by the
AEC and by the joint U.S.,
U.K, and Canada Tripartite meetings, In addition, the AEC has con=
tributed a major portion of the basis scientific data for the deliberations of the National Ccmmittee for Radiation Protection and
the International Commissior for Radiation Protection,

A few words are in order on the general approach of the
NAS study committees, They did not include an evaluation of the
effects of an atomic war, As Dr, Bronk stated in the press con-

ference of June 12, 1956, he sould not define an atomic war so he

asked the ccmmittees to limit themselves to peacetime atomic energy

activities including weapons testing,

In the Forewxrd to the Summary Report, Dr, Bronk stated:
"The use of atomis energy is perhaps one of the few major techno-.
logical developments of the past ‘50 years in which careful consideration of the relationship of a new teshnology to the needs and welfare

of human beings has kept pace with its development,

Almost from the

very beginning cf the day of the Menhattan Project careful attention
has been given to the biclogizal and medical aspects of the subject,

By contras*, the automobile revoluticnized our pattern of living and
working bub we are only now beginning to appreciate the problems of

safety, urban congestion, nervous tension and atmospheric pollution

which have accompanied its development, In the same way, the develo
ment of the aircraft industry cutran our knowledge of how to meet the
environmental needs of the human beings it intended to transport
through the skies,"

The seientists, save for the geneticists, were all persons
who had actively participated in the past in the efforts to reduce
industrial toxicological hazards, air pollution, stream and harbor
pollution, and soil and crop pollution, and destruction which has

occurred with developing industries largely uncontrolled until serio
damage had already taken place, They are determined that with a muel
greater body of knowledge to draw on concerning radiation effects,
similar situations will not arise as a result of the rapidly growing
atomic energy industry with its even greater potential dangers.

Consequently, onse they had assured themselves on two poin
namely; weapons testing at the present rate and with present safeguards was not a present menence, and the safety precautions of our
present atomic energy operations were indeed effective, they became

preoccupied with pointing out the problems inherent in a greatly ex-

panded atcmic energy industry, There constantly recurs through the
report ths idea that all is well teday but for the future let us be
very careful indeed,

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Select target paragraph3