salt water for three days,

then wrapped in breadfruit leaves

and buried in the sand for at least one week before it is eaten.

The Rongelapese claim that this "cheese" will keep for two
years or more if left buried in the sand.

(Bop) is eaten fresh, boiled, or baked.


preparation which is said to keep for more than five years is
called “jenkun."

This is prepared by either baking or boiling

the Pandanus keys and scraping out the pulp.
usually on a piece of sheet metal,
the consistency of fudge.

The pulp is dried,

over coals until it reaches

The dried pulp is pressed into a

roll and wrapped in either Pandanus or coconut leaves.


are then cut off as needed.
Tacea or arrowroot




are washed with sea

then crushed and passed through a sieve into a pan of

sea water and allowed to settle for three or four hours.
the starch begins to coagulate,

the water is decanted.


water washes are repeated several times followed by one freshwater wash.

Finally the starch is dried and stored as a

The powder is then mixed with water for use and either

eaten immediately as prepared,


The papaya is eaten fresh,
grated coconut.

or baked.

sometimes mixed with rice or

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