
The Rongelapese food appears to have large variation in the

zinc content

and on the average is less than 8 mg daily.

higher levels of



zinc-65 are

associated with each other and with those rations which contained local fish.

This is to be expected since these iso-

topes are primarily found in marine organisms



The higher levels of strontium-90 and cesium-137 are found
where local fruit was consumed.

In general, higher levels of

strontium-90 are coincident with higher levels of cesium-137.
Coconut contributes little strontium-90 and pandanus the most.
Those rations with the higher levels of zinc-~65 also contain the higher levels of stable zinc,

indicating that local

sea foods may be the main source of zinc in the diet.


relation with potassium,

and cobalt-60 show no definite corcalcium and cobalt respectively,

indicating that these elements are in large measure supplied
from imported foods.
With the current means of sanitation,

utilization of pit

toilets and burial of garbage on Rongelap and Eniaetok Islets
there must be a net


addition of minerals.

The chief export,

is low in ash content as compared with the imported foods.

A quantitative evaluation of the addition would require comparison of export and import records.

Select target paragraph3