Dowex-50 X8 100-200 resin column of
Interfering anions were

precalculated capacity.

removed by elution

volumes of distilled water.

with two-column

The resin was then stripped of

cations with three-column volumes of 2N) HCl and


neutralized to methyl orange with




cium was removed by precipitation with ammonium oxalate followed by boiling and filtration.

with 1N

The filtrate was made basic

NH4gOH; 5 per cent (NH4)2 POqg

cipitate formed,

was added until a pre-

and an excess of NH4OH was then added while

stirring constantly.

The precipitate,

magnesium ammonium phos-

phate, was allowed to settle overnight,

removed by filtering,

dissolved in 6 drops of concentrated H2SO0, and made to volume
with water.

Magnesium was determined by titrating an aliquot

of this solution against a standard EDTA


in which

Eriochrome Black T was used as the indicator.
Total phosphorous was determined
method of Fleischer et al. (1958).



The ash was converted to

the nitrate form and diluted with water.


The colorimetric

consisted of aqueous solution of 2.5 per cent ammo-

nium molybdate,

1 per cent bismuth subcarbonate in 7N HjS04

and crystals of ascorbic acid.

Color transmittance at 660

millimicrons was read on a Bausch and Lomb "Spectronic 20"
colorimeter and compared against a known standard.

Select target paragraph3