






4. The trip to tongerik Atoll is discussed in Maj Robinson's report.
This was a most interesting visit to an uninhabited island.
j- Col Lahti and Col Starkey at inivzetok were also quite cooperative
and helpful. Facilities for the weather central were inspected and found to be
adequate. I visited with Mr. Hardison at Parry to find if there were any diserepancies in the weather service being offered to the H&N people. He felt
that it was adequate. I also visited Bikini and found the weather service at
that location also to be adequate,
k. The assistance required of weather personel on Cuan was obtained,
The Typhoon .arning Center will furnish us with certain weather data and the
54th Strat econ Squadron will assist in their normal routine reconnaissance
activities. The Flest eather Central at Guam can also help, if thoy are needed.
1. Col James T. Twaddell, Jr., Cdr 21,3rd Air \ieather ‘ing wes contacted
concerning receipt of analyses and forecasts from the Tokyo sxeather Central in
the TF wcather Central. These items he agreed upon immediately bat there is a

problem as to facsimile transmission between Tokyo and cniwetok. He took this
to be a matter for his own solution and consequently relioved us of any further
responsibility on this problem,

m On the return trip through Honolulu, certain of the individuals
who were originally visited were arain contacted and verbal reports given to them
as to what transpired during our visit in the forward area.


That the Chief, U. S. \‘eather Bureau be contacted concerning the

use of Ponape (this has been done and all matters fully resolved, see DF to AC

of 5, J~3, subjects "Conference at U.S. wkeather Sureau re Trust Territory Keather

Stations, dated & Oct 1953").

b. That the up=wind special weather reconnaissance flight not be
planned and that normal daily reconnaissance be used in lieu thereof,

That the facsimile broadcast from Tokyo to Eniwetok be improved

(this matter is being resolved in the Meld by Air weather Service and AACS

d. That BAIROKO and CURTISS, as well as the ESTES take certain weather

observations during the course of the operation (this matter has been resolved
with CTG 7.3 and the requirement is presently in our OpPjan 3-53).

.@. That a letter of appreciation be written to Admiral Clarke at
Kwajalein expressing the thanks of this headquarters for his cooperation and

Select target paragraph3