"An attempt is being made to establish and maintain a capability of resuming
tests on a relative short notice, either in a limited series of shots or ina

full-scale operation,

This state of preparedness is never an accomplished fact

but requires the continual application of technical manpower and facilities for
planning, designing, and limited fabrication.

The preparedness effort, even

though limited, further dilutes the support that would be desirable to put into
the advance of new weapon designs.

The resolution of any of the uncertainties

regarding future testing will eliminate the need to prepare for all of the
possibilities, and thus will enable the Livermore Laboratory to concentrate its
effort more effectively in advancing the science of nuclear weapons."
The major heading of general weapons research is broken down into a number
of experimental and theoretical methods to address some of the physics including: |
criticality studies by various methods; containment of very low yield nuclear
Sane eee ere

reactions within a steel sphere|



theoretical and experimental investigations of the

possibility of concealing nuclear explosions; and x-ray and argus studies and data

The section on specific weapon and device R & D and design and weaponization
includes much specific discussion of the various classes and kinds of weapons as
well as the estimates of which ones could be stockpiled on what time time scales

and which tests would be most desirable as of this date and the possibilities of
change in requirements for nuclear testing in the future.
The general heading of testing planning and evaluation, which is Gerry Johnson's

includes the sub-headings; test planning, diagnostic plans for test resumption,

diagnostic instrumentation, basic studies of phenomena connected with diagnostics,

Select target paragraph3