
Just as its past actions and recommendations regarding
sea transportation have gone unheeded, the same situation
exists with respect to air transportation. During the last
session the Congress adopted Senate Joint resolution No. 538
which requests the Administering Authority to grant Air
Micronesia the Saipan-Japan route, Adoption of the measure

was not done to frustrate the desires of the Mariana
It was done because the Congress felt
Islands District.
support of this airline would produce the most good for the
However a recent ruling by a Civil Aeronautics
most people.

Board examiner was in favor of another airline. One of the
reasons for his ruling; was because granting of this route
would financially help the other airline, which has been
losing money in the past. Thus it would appear here,
as in many other cases, it is not Micronesia's interests
which are considered first, but rather those of the
Administering Authority,

This. predicament of whose interests are to be served is
also illustrated in the veto directed by the Administering

Authority regarding Admiralty and Maritime Law, The manner
in which this measure was vetoed raises serious questions
about the manner of the veto, and also the intent of the
Administering Authority, Furthermore, the killing of this
enacted bill must;Viewed as a setback for those who saw it
as a vehicle for economic development in a. nation surrounded

by the ocean,

Indeed, as-I mentioned earlier, Micronesia is suffering
from being locked into the larger systems of the Administering
Authority, The budgetary cycles contain certain variables
that, like sunspots create havoc and disruption at great

distances, It appears clear to us it is time to consider
trying to modify the system as it applies to Micronesia or
divorce ourselves from it,
Consequently, our Joint Committee on Programs and Budget

Planning has proposed certain changes to the U.S. Congress.

Tnese changes are threefold. One, the Congress of Micronesia
would receive a direct appropriation from the U.S. Congress.
me appropriation would be on a matching basis:

90 percent

xom the U.S,.and 10 percent from the Congress. Such a
scheme L£ adopted, would give Micronesians full control over
development priorities, A second aspect is better
management of funds and projects at the district level.
The District Administrator would have the authority to

handle contracts up to $75,000,

The third aspect is to


Select target paragraph3