PART (tf, CHAPTERS 3 and 4
struction of a poured concrete IBM building
with suspended acoustical ceiling, removable
floor panels supported on stringers, and a major
utilities plant to provide air conditioning both
overhead and underthe floor. Two guest houses
were erected on Site Elmer to accommodate
Visiting dignitaries. The hase facility construc-

tion program also included a Butler-type administration building to house the Contractor's of-

fices, concrete and prefabricated aluminum
harracks, warehouses, community. service

buildings, and several laboratory buildings. The
Administration Compound was enlarged and

AEC-owne 1 equipment. Although somewhat cur-

tailed by the construction effort, the maintenance

program was continuous throughout Operation

HARDTACK, Phase I, and was predicated on

preventive maintenance, normal wear and tear,
and non-scheduled repairs. Due to the critical
requiremert for continuous operation, reefers,

generators, and pumps were checked daily, and
any break lowns were cause for immediate re-

pair, day or night. All construction equipment

provided with aluminum chain link fencing. A

was rigidly scheduled for lubrication and inspection, and breakdowns were often forestalled
by timely replacement or overhaul of parts.
Preventive maintenance with respect to buildings
and structures included securing all doors and

Task Force personnel. For example, eight barracks were modified to provide day rooms, and

wave damage during test events.

large volume of modifications to existing structures and additional construction was accomvlished to provide some measure of comfort to
newly constructed barracks included day rooms.

Building construction on Site Fred was

predominantly Pasco-type structures for warehousing. Ten major concrete projects on Site
Fred included the airfield extension, a 200,000gallon water storage r-servoir, an explosive
storage building. two r:mphouses, three concrete ramps, a double :=nnis court, and a de-

contamination storage building.

shutters ir. an open position to prevent shock-

Du:ing the operational phase, H&N was
also responsible for the preventive maintenance
and minor repair of all Military-owned vehicles,
except those located at Site Fred.
The maintenance and repairs to marine
craft was confined to engines, bottom and hull*
plating, replacement of stringers and stiffeners,and the replacement and repairs of propellers and
shafts. Tnrese repairs were accomplished by

Additional recreational facilities, such as
volleyball and basketball courts. were constructed
on Sites Fred, Elmer, and Nan.

either beaching the craft by use of a “Gilhoist”
or placing the craft in a floating dry dock.


The maintenance of utilities increased
proportior.ally with the increase in population


HEN was responsible for the maintenance

of all buildings. grounds, utilities, and all

during the build-up period, when additional faci-

lities were put into use.




The increased scorp= of Operation HARDTACK, Phase I, nearly twice the magnitude of Operation REDWING, required a heavy
expendable test construction program fer both
Bikini and Eniwetok Atous. Criteria for scientific structures were not completely released by

the Laboratories until th> middle of January,

1958. The procurement of men and materials and






UCRL test facilities were constructed at
Bikini Atoll and LASLtest facilitics at Eniwetok
Atoll. However, adverse weather conditions in
the Bikini Atoll area resulted in the transfer of
five shots to Eniwetok Atoll. Twenty-four barge
zero stations and five LCU hull zero stations
were fabricated for Operation HARDTACK,

Phase I, using cargo-type barges and obsolete
LCU hulls procured from Navy and Army

the task of transporting them to the EPG
created multitudinous problems for the AEC

sources. Subsequent to construction completion,
one of the barge zero stations was damaged
beyond repair while in tow from Eniwetok to
Bikini Atoll, and two were cancelled as a result

a few of the manvefforts that result in a com-

required the addition of a second floating dry
dock (AFDL) at Eniwetok Atoll and the construction of a three-fingered barge slip at Site

Contractor. Material storage, fabrication, construction, and inspection. as well as the housing
and feeding of construction personnel, are but
pleted structure. Despite the manyobstacles and

the rigid construction schedules, the job was

effectively accomplished bx Ha&N.

of a program change. Barge station construction


Of the shots scheduled for Operation

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