Dr. Martin 8B. Biles



Since the 20Sr concentration {n pandanus represents the largest

single cantributor to the internal dose, the effectiveness of

the protective measures referenced in No 3, above, should be
evaluated by appreprfate resampling.

Since certain foods aot presently growing on the atoll (e.g.
squash) may be planted following the return of the Bikinfans,
1t 1s suggested that a test plot of such garden variety foods
be established on Efkini Island during the agricultural development phase. The mature crops and softs fn which they are growina should be sampled periodically.

It fs suggested that a small number (approximately 100) of

coconut trees and a few pandanws be planted {fn the near future
on Nam, Enidrik or other {stands which may be used as plantations.

This will provide samples useful {n evaluating the feasfbility
of the unrestricted use cf the atoll.

One of the major uncerta{nties in the estimation of the potential

internal dose is that assoctated with the actual composition of
the dfet. To help ta remedy this deficiency it fis suggested that:

A record be maintained of the kinds and amounts of food


The Trust Territory representatives attempt to arrive at
better estimates of the datly diet than are currently avaflable.

The recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee for the detereination
of body burdens and the assurance of a balanced and adequately
nutritious dist should be followed. A celcfum supplement would

be particularly {aportant.

A minimum monitoring program to verify predictions of exposure
rate reduction, to assess new items of foods and to evaluate the
impact of clearing and covering the village area on the exposure
rate should be established. This program would fnclude, but need
not be limited to:

Monitoring of external exposure rates on Sikinf, Eneman and

Select target paragraph3