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addition, there are 524.31 acres in the northern islands

which have intermediate levels of residual radioactivity

_that are judged to be suitable for raising coconuts.
Based on all of these considerations,

it. appears that from

a cost-benefit standooint the use of Case 3 would be the

optimum solution to the question of resettling the Encwetakese.
On the other hand, if the drilnjebi would be extremely
Gissatisfied under these conditions, political end social
indications mey be such that they should be allowed to resettle
on Enjebi, thus necessitating the use of Case 4.
In this

the annual dose to indivicuals would exceed the

AEC limits, but would be below those set by the FRC (whole
body 0.35 rem/year vs. 0.5: bone.0.975 rem/year vs. 1.5;
and bone marrow 0.3 rem/year vs. 9.5).
It would leave a
residual of approximately 140,000 cubic yards of contaminated
soil end/or soil and vadioactive debris to be disposed of

other than thet which could be achieved through crater dunping

or crater containment.
It would very likely require indefinite
storage of soil on the island of Runit until suitable methods

of disposal could be developed anc agreed upon.

If the technicue of crater containnen1t is finally judged to
be feasible, it should provide a reasonable degree of protectic:


-from the

stored radioactive materints.

One then might


utilizing an additional crater to contain the residue of
radioactive scrap and soil as mentioned above.
This woulda
require a cube apvroximately 73 feet on a side and 73 feet
With the apparent relative insolubility of the residual
as that from sealed craters would acpear to present a minimal





Atey = ae

“- plutonium and fission products in this material, relatively
small leaks into and out of a structure of this sort as well

Thank you for the opportunity to review this draft statement.



[Bair Ce
Charles Custard



Office of Environmental Affair


Select target paragraph3