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The feasibility of using ion-exchange, reverse osmosis

or other presently available techniques should be investigatc

for water supply augmentation.

The housing and community develonoment plans project the
use of privie- septictenk-drain field installation for
Gisposal of domestic Wastes.
While placement of such
installations will be carefully considered, the possibility
exists that effluents may enter the usable water table,
posing mnotential for contamination of the existing Vater’



suggest that




program be implemented for continued monitoring of the?

usable water supplies and maintenance of disposal Ins®aéllatic

A recently deve loped small scale

asrobic digestion unit

le Ee ee a LON 2 teen ceils A I crete aoe

EE Ire

RE a es be a ee.

May be a possiblic alternative to the septic-drain field

We recommeid that the feasibility of utilizing

this concept be studied.


With regard to 7.2.4 and 7.2.5 mentioned above, the
Health, Sanitation, Education, ane Social Service section

of the 1973 HEW/Interior Task Force Reyort on the Trust.
Territory of the Pacific Islands should prove a useful
reference item.

8.6 Impact of Base Camp Sewege Dis>osal on Human Health
Sewage outfall lines would best be loceted to flow into
ocean:waters rather than the


because of the

possibility of disease transmission through consumption
of raw or Partially cooked shellfish or other marine
“organisms contained by partiallv treated raw
The assumption that rav sewage will be Elushed out of the
lagoon by ocean currents iS avsarentlyv based on speculation
and observations of the Gispelling of solid wastes from
the lagoon by this method.
Isolations. of pathogenic
organisms from similar lagoons in the Trust Territory
suggest that these waters may become

under low volume dumping.


contaiminated even


8.11 Impact of Pasticides in Base Camm on Human Health
It‘is stated that chlorinated hyGrocarbons will not be
used for posticide control, but organic whosnhates would
be used only in the required auantities.
The concerns
seem to be- focused on the environmental residuals.
some concern shoule also be focused on the tonic offects
to the vorkers applying the pesticides and to pe ovle in

the general area.

EPA, NIOSI!, and USDA are estahlishing

some feasible standards ané/or work nractices for persons

using vesticides.





Select target paragraph3