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5.6.1 Dose Estimates

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It is unclear as to whether the dosage cstimatcs include
contribution: of potential ground water supplies such as

brackish or fresh watenx wells.
While it is clear that
the use of grossly contaminated supplies would be precluded,
estimates of potential acded dosaye from these sources
in the southern quadrant should be made
As noted in the statement,

the implications of


tions of cesium and strontium in bone marrow by incestion
routes is

an item of considerable concern.



is unclear from the Graft statement if the mortality rate
shown in Table 5.14 (page 5-60) includes the effect of
doses to the bone marrow.



6.1 Selection of Cleanur Case. 3



As stated, the selection of Case 3 is preferred as the
most favorable mode of resettlement.
-Inherent in this
choice is the restriction of the inhabitants to residence
in the lower half of the Atoll, with limited use of the

islands in the northern cuadrant.
This implies as a
minimum self-discipline on the vart of the inhabitants
with reszect to public health and safety, iEee exoosure
to the on-site hazards in the northern isla



proposed plan should delineate control or quarantine


to be implemented and enforced over a specified

period of years.

- & add

7.2.4 Comaunity Center Develo:ment:
We found very “Little information contained in the statement
addressing the long-term, on-going, health services followin:
the initial phases of the resettlement.
Continuince health
services should be included in the preliminary planning in
order to receive maximum benefit from the facilities and to
establish, insofar as possible, some patterns of health
service celivery early in the process.
There is no

indication es to whether the TYPI will have a medical office:
on the Atoll.
If so, would he have the responsibility for
health education, particularly radiolosy?
Wa note that the
TTPI currently has a significant health manpower shortage:


nurses, medics,






Select target paragraph3