1. As had been customary for past test operations, an

official observer program is contemplated for Operation HARDTACK.
It is intended through this program to offer to responsible
governmental authorities having responsibility in the military
nuclear field the opportunity to observe one of the more significant test detonations.

It is my hope that you and others of the

Joint Committee will be able to spare the time to see one of the
shots and to be briefed in the Proving Ground of activities there,
2. The initial shot of the series is scheduled to occur
shortly after mid-April,

Special mission aircraft will be arranged

to leave Washington periodically, to remain in the Proving Ground

for a reasonable time, and then to return the observers to the
United States.

The first trip is tentatively scheduled to leave

on or about 15 April; the second about 28 April; the third about
15 May; and the fourth in early June.

The aircraft will proceed

directly from Washington to the Proving Ground, arriving approx- imately two days before the shot is ready.

It will remain there up

to ten days unless the shot to be observed is fired earlier and

thereafter return to Washington,

The total time that an observer

could be expected to be away from Washington would be between
ten days and two weeks,

3- On January 21 the Military Applications Subcommittee of
your Committee was briefed on the plans for HARDTACK,

During the

briefing certain members asked that investigation be made as to
the possibility of advancing the series so that a Congressional
group could witness a shot during the Easter recess from approx-

imately April 4 to

April 13.

We have investigated this matter


er Amira


Appendix "B"

Select target paragraph3