





until they see a particular shot,

In the past larger shots

have been delayed for periods of up to twenty days, and there
have been occasions where a shot had to be rescheduled for
technical reasons even after observers had started their travel.
We believe it preferable to state that the aircraft will normally

remain in the Proving Ground for a period of 10 days unless
the shot to be observed occurs earlier.

In view of these

considerations, our invitation will tell the invitees they can
expect to be absent from Washington for 10 to 15 days.

4, With regard to foreign observation, the Commission has
no objection to the observance your letter indicates as
contemplated by the Department.

We understand that the nine

observers from Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom may be
either military or civilians.

We have been informed by General

Loper's office that the necessary concurrence of the Department
of State has been secured,

5. It 1s understood that the nine UK, Canadian, and
Australian observers will be taken to and from the Pacific

separately from U.S, official observers and it is planned that

they will observe the VHA prime shot,

We further understand

that a special trip separate from the above and not including

officlal observers is contemplated to depart on or about

1 June to accommedate the NATO observers.

We believe that such

arrangements will permit freer discussion by U.S. attendees

while enroute to and from the Proving Ground and will minimize
the problems of group segregation for briefing and tours in
the forward area,

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Appendix "c"

Select target paragraph3