-6of the people of Utirik.

Moreover, the report by the Special Committee on

tongelap and Utirik, which was fomned by the Congress of Micronesia, was
favorable with regard to the examinations.

In view of the above, we were

greatly surprised to learn about the apparent displeasure on the part of.
the people of Utirik as expressed in your letter.

One possible explana-

tion for this difference in sentiment with regard to Drs, Conard and Knudsen,
as expressed in your letter, could possibly be a misunderstanding as to their
role and reasons to come to the islands.

I would like to repeat that it is

my firm conviction that the principal concer of Drs. Conard and Knudsen is

the welfare and well-being of the Utirik people.

It is possible that such

a misunderstanding could easily result from the difference in language,
Again, I would appeal to the Chiefs of Utirik to impress upon their people
the importance of the medical examinations and the necessity to trust and
cooperate with the American physicians.

We would like to inform the Utirik people that we anticipate introducing
an exoanded health care program for people living on Utirik, Rongelap,
Bikini. and Eniwetok.

Such a program would include annual examinations by

the physicians of everyone living on Utirik island, including unexposed

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people and children, srt, the opportunity to be seen at sick call during the
quarterly visits of the physician.

We plan on holding a meeting with a

limited number of Marshallese representatives from each atoll in the near
future to discuss these plans.

We believe that such a meeting could result

in undzrstandings that will provide a basis for better health care for the
people of Utirik.


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James L.


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