



At this time it is impossible to predict whether more thyroid nodules
will develop in the Utirik population,

It is therefore of the preatest

importance that the regular medical examinations be continued in the future.
By having regular medical examinations, signs of thyroid disease can be
detected early, and prompt treatment will avoid unnecessary suffering on
the part of the Utirik people,
The medical team has been studying diabetes in the Utirik people and
other Marshallese people.

Though a study of this disease was not considered

a responsibility of the medical team since the disease is not related to
radiation exposure, it was considered important to help the Trust Territory
with this disease which is such a serious problem in the Marshall Islands.
With regard to the use of Diabenase in the treatment of this disease Dr.
James Field, an expert on diabetes from the University of Pittsburgh who
had been studying diabetes in the Marshall Islands with the medical team,
states that "there would be inherent risks in the use of the drug Diabenase
in treating diabetes on Utirik or other outer islands in the Marshalls since
long term medical supervision and laboratory tests are necessary to insure
its safe and effective use."
With regard to your comment about the reduced size of arrowroot plants
on Utirik, we can state that the results of studies of radiation effects on
plants would not support radiation exposure as being responsible for a
reduction in size of arrowroot or of any other plants growing on Utirik Atoll.
Numerous studies of radiation on Utirik show the levels have been too low to
vresult in such effects.
We believe Drs. Conard, Kotrady, and Knudsen to be very capable and
conscientious physicians who are deeply committed to the health and welfare



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