level of radioactivity, if any, contained in the abandoned
vessels is not known,
3.Major General A. W, Oberbeck, Commander, JTF-8 has
recently sent a letter to DASA stating JTF-8 had no further

requirements for the weather/Rad-Safe lease sites on the islands

mentioned in your twx,

It is not known at this time what

further need DASA may have.

Further inquiry concerning this

subject should be directed to Headquarters, DASA."

It was noted in an article in the New Yorker that the 166 natives
of Bikini received $25, 000 in cash and $300, 000 trust fund, which

provides a $10,000 per year income. We do not know if this was
an outright purchase of the Island or if the natives still retain
some rights.

Select target paragraph3