In a letter from the T.T, to DASA dated February 26,

1963 they requested the land be returned to the owners
and that salvage rights to structures be given the T.T.

Six weather/Rad-Safe sites are mentioned,

The letter

also stated that DASA had indicated in July 1961 that
they planned on retaining the sites indefinitely.

In a twx from HICOM to the Department of Interior in

July 1963, the deterioration of structures at Ujelang,
Wotho, Rongelap and Utirik, It was recommended all
sites except Utirik be returned with salvage rights and
rental payments through 1963.
In a letter dated August 16, 1963 to the HICOM from

DASA stated there was no requirement for the temporary buildings on the six weather/rad-safe sites

and were by this action transferred to the HICOM to
dispose of as he sees fit. It was also reconfirmed
that DASA desired to continue the Agreement for an
indefinite period,

(Personal observation)

Since the

Agreement does not list specific sites each lease could
be terminated and still continue the Agreement.
In a letter dated June 11, 1964 from the HICOM to

DASA, the T. T. requested permission to use DOD
buildings located at Kusaie and Kapingamarangi.,

In view of the August 16,

1963 letter

it appears the T, T. had the right to dispose of the
structures on all the islands anyway they saw fit.
In a letter dated June 19, 1964 from DASA to HICOM

the letter of August 16, 1963 was referred to and it
was restated that buildings were transferred to the
HICOM and Agreement was to continue indefinitely.

It was observed during a recent trip to Rongelap that Rad-Safe
ya Structures are still standing although the people would like to
have the materials. It appears the action to dispose of structures
on all islands except three buildings on Utirik is the responsibility



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~ of the T. T.



The action to request the return of specific sites to

the owners might be accomplished by a request from the HICOM








to DOD (DASA) without terminating the Agreement.



As near as we

Select target paragraph3