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The results of milk enalyses performed since the issuance

of NYO-751 are given in Table 8 and the continuous curve for dried
milk is shown in Fig. 6.

The level increased during the summer of 1956 and has

maintained its level after the normal pasture season,


probably indicates that the cows are feeding on vegetation exposed
during the summer and will stay at the same level until the next
pasture season, —

In NYO-,751, some concern was shown that wet milk purchased
in New York City showed higher levels than the dried milk being

This is apparently due to the difference in source area

of the two supplies.

As a check, however, Dr. Alexander obtained

wet milk, dried milk, and the washings from the drier during a run
at Colunbus, Wisconsin.

These samples are being analyzed to check

possible loss of Sr-90 during processing and to test uniformity of

Wet milk samples were not run during this reporting period,
but a more extensive sampling program for the city supply was started
at the first of 1957.
Some of the dried milk samples have been analyzed for stable


The preliminary data are given in Table 9,
Tests have shown that dry ashing of milk results in loss of

Cs-137, even at low temperatures.

No Cs-137 results on milk will be

reported until improved technicues are evaileble.


Select target paragraph3