program have been received, and no Sr-90 data will be

SeHheph onee ere

Not all of the 1956 samples fox the HASL pasture




-reported until all analyses are complete.
There have been several improvements in analytical

techniques since the 1953 and 195i pasture samples were
run originally.

Therefore, all samples still available

will be reanalyzed in the coming months.

When complete,

the four years data will be reported as a unit.

state of Sr-90 in the biological cycle is through measure- .
ment of stable strontium and calcium.

Some of the original

FE poiore OH

One approach to estimating the eventual equilibrium

pasture samples have been run for stable strontium and are

reperted in preliminary form in Table 5.

No attempt at

interpretation will be made until further enalyses are

18 Pton

(Ses also section on milk enalyses.)

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