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Methods and Measurements

The sampling program will therefore consist of integrated sample
series composed of food species and soil profile samples which will be

obtained on and ad hoc, species available basis. A broader sampling

program which will be based upon a wideley available species, probably
Messerschmidia or Scaevola, will also be carried out to determine the

intra-island variations in vegetation radioactivity. These data will
be valuable in recommending future agricultural sites and to correlate

with the broad soil radioactivity survey and the aerial survey.

An attempt will be made to correlate some sampling sites with the

ground water survey to provide data on the cycling or radionuclides at

the given site. All food species presently growing and fruiting on
Bikini will be sampled in triplicate if the quantity of materail permits.
Soil profiles (2/tree) will be obtained in the root zone of the tree
sampled to determine the concentration of radioactivity in the soil, the
soil water, and the organic fraction. A large sample of soil (3 kg.) from

the organic zone of the soil (1-30 em. depth) will be taken to make a
leaching measurement of soil solution radioactivity. Both leaves and

fruit will be sampled to permit leaf-to-fruit transfer coefficients to be

calculated. Nonfood species will also be sampled in the vicinity of the
food species to provide information on species variation in radionuclide
uptake, and to evaluate the use of nonfood species concentrations in predictive assessment of human intake when no food products are available
for analysis. This approach was used in the Enewetak survey because of
the paucity of food species on the atoll.
This program along with the ground water program will supply the data
base for assessing the long-term dose commitment via food chains upon
rehabitation of the atoll and inclusion of coconut, pandanus fruit, breadfruit, bananas, and papayas in the diet.


Bikini Air Sampling Program
Due to limitec sunport facilities, manpower, and time,

and due to

other program demands for air sampling equipment ae a result of the delays
in fielding the present survey, there will be no attempt to establish

and air sampling program during this survey.


Select target paragraph3