
moved back to Rongelap Island serve as a comparison population,

Detailed information on past findings of the effects of fallout radiation
exposure on these people may be found in published survey reports (1-4).


exaninations of the Utirik people showed only a minimal early effect on their
blood levels, but with no other findings at any time suggestive of radiation

The Rongelap people, on the other hand, had slight transitory gastro-

intestinal and skin symptoms during the first two days due to radiation exposure,
followed by significant depression of blood elements, the development of widespread beta burns to the skin with sone loss of hair, and measurable internal
absorption of radionuclides,

However, the gamma dose (175 r) received by the

mote heavily exposed 64 people of Rongelap was not lethal, since no deaths have
occurred in the group that appeared to be related to their exposure,

In spite of

some early loss of weight in a nunber of the group, and the depression of their

blood elements, none showed any signs of illness, infections, or bleeding that
might be related to the penetrating gamma effect, and no special therapy was

The beta burns healed within several months without complications,

though residual pigmentation changes and scarring remain in some cases,
regrew by six months,

The hair

Radiochemical urine analyses showed rapid excretion of the

radionuclides that had been absorbed, the levels not being distinguishable from the
nonexposed Marshallese by two years after exposure.

Subsequent return to their

home island resulted in slight increases in body burdens of radionuclides, but
the levels attained have remained far below the stated maximum p2rmissible levels,
During the first five years after exposure, a somewhat higher incidence of mis-

carriages and stillbirths were noted in the exposed women,

Another effect believed

to be a residual radiation effect, was the finding of slightly retarded growth and
‘development in sone of the exposed children,

Fertility did not appear to be

significantly impaired since the birth rate in the exposed group has been comparabl


Select target paragraph3