
Resources. Maintains ready access to records of readiness
disposition, availability and condition, and periodi.
tally evaluates equipment in storage or in use elsewhere as to
its continuing usefulness to the readiness effort; assesses
feasibility and impact of redirecting resources from other test
program activities to Readiness Program if required.


Represents the Manager, NVOO~ in dealing
ABC-DOD Agreement.
with the DOD host agency in administering facilities and support
provisions of the AEC-DOD agreement, as they relate to transportation, communications, facilities construction, facilities
maintenance and operation, and logistic support services.


HiiN Support to DOD. Negotiates and administers the local
agreement with the DOD host agency governing services by the
AEC contractor in support of DOD responsibilities on JA.


Logistics Planning Group. In coordination with DASA, directs
(This responsibility ‘for AEC direcLPG’s joint AEC/DOD effort.
tion is jointly held with the NVOO Assistant Manager, Plans and


Joint Task Group Role. Serves as Commander Joint Task Group
8.5 in providing a continuing point of contact with Director,
DASA and CJTF-8 (when activated) on matters relating to facilities
and logistic support in the Pacific Area.


Logistic Support. , Provides support to laboratory users in the
Honolulu and JA areas in conjunction with deployed diagnostic
aircraft missions and other field activity, within budget limitations.


In the above functions, the Assistant Manager, Engineering and
Logistics is assisted by the Director, Pacific Area Support Office,
who provides field execution of the above missions as assigned (with
the exception of LPG direction) and who acts as Deputy Commander
JTG 8.5 on a continuing basis.

Assistant Manager for Operations
Safety Response Capability. Maintains limited radiological offsite safety response capabilities as required to support NNTRP
test programs, consistent with budget limitations imposed.
EG&G Contract Administration.
which tecT

Administers the EG&G contract under

Select target paragraph3