

the Pacific Planning Board.

Joint Hazards Evaluation Group (JHEG).* Serves as a permanent safety
advisory group to CJTF-8 on all matters related to the preparation or
conduct of nuclear tests, and is chaired by the .TTF-8 Scientific Deputy.
The functions of the JHEG include:
Reviewing all nuclear test operational plans as to the acceptability of all credible hazards;
assisting other agencies as required in preparing safety studies;
establishing day-to-day hazards guidance during test operations
or rehearsals.
The JHEG presently includes, but is not limited to, members from
AEC and DOD agencies with expertise in the following fields:
Aircraft vulnerability
Seismic sea waves
Missile range safety
Nuclear system safety
Radiation safety standards
Thermal effects

Weapons output
Fallout prediction
Blast and shock
Eyeburn and flashblindness
Health physics
Technical operations

When determined appropriate by the Chairman or Director, DASA, the
military services or other agencies will be requested to designate ad
hoc representatives for specific studies.

Logistics Planning Group (LPG). The LPG is jointly funded and directed
by NVOO and DASA and performs the following tasks:
Maintenance of the master copy of the Facilities and Support
Requirements Plan (Gray Book) which includes facility and support
plans for the NNTRP.
Maintenance of the master copy of the Master Site Plans of
Johnston Atoll, Hawaiian Area sites, and the Pacific remote island
sites as planned for the NNTRP.
Maintenance of a summary of test requirements to show major facility and system requirements versus assets and status thereof; i.e.,
for command and control, communications, ground and airborne
diagnostics, off-site safety, test vehicles, rockets, payloads, sampling, effects measurements, logistics support, and maintenance and

* The continuing functions and responsibilities
currently under review by Director, DASA.

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of the PPB and the JHEG are

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