provide the OCPC periodically with a resume of the Committee’s
activities, along with recommendations concerning budgetary
matters in the Tamarin area in which NVOO allocates AEC resources.
Membership is provided from LASL, LRL, NVOO and DASA.


Sampler Working Group. Reports to the Commander, Air Weather Service
(AWS) . Its functions are as follows:
Review and coordinate all user agency requirements involving use
of the sampling aircraft (RB-57C’S and F’s) under the operational
control and direction of the Air Weather Service, USAF.
Provide for interagency coordination as required in the following
Joint use of the standard aircraft complement of communications and navigational equipments as well as the unique air
sampling equipment;
modification and/or removal of equipment;
electrical circuitry and wiring changes, etc., and training
for USAF and AEC air sampling flight crew personnel.
‘~he chairman of the group is provided by AWS. The membership includes
representatives from several DOD agencies and LASL, LRL and NVOO.


Pacific Planning Board (PPB).* Serves as an advisory group to CJTF-8
on matters relating to preparations for overseas nuclear tests. Within
policies, plans and programs formulated as a result of the National
Nuclear Test Readiness Program (NNTRY) and agreed to by DOD and AEC,
the functions of the PPB will include the following:
Advises on all additions, deletions or revisions to technical
program plans and requirements;
assesses AEC/DOD capability to accomplish approved programs and
recommend appropriate changes;
assesses the interactions of the technical programs and where “
conflicts as to space, utilization of resources or priorities may
become evident, recommends changes or compromises as appropriate
in the interest of economy of effort and/or feasibility.
Membership is provided by the JTF-8 Scientific Deputy; Manager, NVOO,
and JTF-8 Associate Scientific Deputy Commanders for the H/A and
A/D programs, and Scientific Test Group Commanders. When determined
appropriate, the Military Services (Army, Navy and Air Force) or
other agencies will be requested to designate agency representatives

* The continuing functions and responsibilities
currently under review by Director, DASA.

of the PPB and the JHEG are













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Select target paragraph3