construction contractor (provided through the AEC contract with
Holmes & Narver) and indicates that management of JA would not
necessarily remain with the Air Force if testing were resumed.
Indicates that Director, DASA will collect facility requirements
on JA for both the DOD and AEC, will make certain the level of
effort is consistent with guidance, and will provide consolidated
requirements to the Air Force. Indicates that DDR&E will review
the overall level of effort for consistency with the national readiness-to-test goals and Program 437 plans.

Memorandum of Agreement between 6486th Air Base Wing and AEC Regarding Contractual Arrangements at Johnston Island (6486th ABW - NVOO)
June 1970.
Establishes an agreement for contractual arrangements at JA, including engineering, construction, maintenance and operational support
services to be provided to the 6486th ABW by Holmes & Narver, Inc.
Identifies funding, cost and cost control and security provisions.
Under this contract, certain authority for on-site operational controls
is delegated to the Commander, 6486th ABW.

With completion of the FY-1970 phase-down program, NVOO’S current facilities posture is as follows:

Johnston Atoll. Other than for facilities required for the September
1970 Thor/HATV Development Test, facilities are being retained in a
stand-by status with the Host
.. (USAF) providing periodic maintenance
and environment and corrosion control. Included among these are the
rocket launch pads from which the launchers and accessory equipment
have been removed and stored in an environmentally controlled area;
the several rocket storage, checkout, and assembly buildings; telemetry
facilities: the personnel
equipment building; the B57C hangar; and
various EG&G equipment in the JOC.
Following the Thori H?..’VDe
velopmentnt Test in September 1970, those
facilities used for this event will be deactivated in a similar manner and the associated equipment stored or returned to lab users
(unless plans for a follow-on TDT dictate otherwise).


Hickam APB, Oahu. A continuing requirement exists for the use of
limited facilities (trailers, quonsets) at Hickam AFB toeupport
deployed NC-135 operations.
The remaining facilities (other trailers,
office and laboratory building, warehouse and storage space, and aircraft
operat’inp and support facilities), have been licensed to the base
under a reentry and maintenance agreement.


NAS Barbers Point, Oahu. All facilities have been licensed to the
host under agreement, except for the assembly building and staging
equipment storage building for which SLA has continuing requirements.





Select target paragraph3