
Interservice Support Agreement for Johnston Island (DASA-USAF
20 June 1970).
Delineates the relationship at JA between the Commander 6486th
ABW (PACAF) and DASA in all matters related to activities of the
DOP and AEC in support of the NNTRP. Provides that USAF (Commander
6486th ABW, Hickam AFB) will maintain and operate .JAand Provide
services and facilities .O meet DASA/AEC requirements associated
with the NNTRP.
Identifies AEC and DASA technical, scientific and control facility
requirements and establishes the level of maintenance support for
these fac$~~$_ies to be provided by the host agency.


Memorandum of 27 April 1970 from the Deputy Secretary of Defense
to the Director, DASA Providing Interim Guidance on Readiness Program
Activities Pending Review and Approval of a Revised NNTRP (SDI).
(1) continue preparation of the new NNTRP;
Directs that DASA should:
(2) should be prepared, in cooperation with the AEC, to conduct a
Thor/HATV development launch in the late August/September 1970 time
frame, with operations to be minimal consistent with information
requirements and safety; (3) should continue development of long lead
time instrumentation to meet the objectives of the high priority
elements of the revised program; and (4) should coordinate AEC and
DOD facility requirements at JA to meet the objectives of the revised
program. The memorandum indicates that additional guidance will be
provided on approval of the new NNTRP.


Memorandum from Director, DASA,to Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff,
“Joint Task Organization for Conduct of Thor/HATV Development Launch.”
Summarizes the principal features of the test; establishes a temporary Joint Task Force and Joint Task Force Headquarters for carrying out this test, indicating that these are basically similar to
those used in 1962 and likely to be followed in future overseas
nuclear tests.


Memorandum of 27 April 1970 from Deputy Secretary of Defense to
Secretary of the Air Force, Subject: “Transfer of Management of
Johnston Atoll from DASA to the Air Force.”
This memo approves, on an interim basis, the Air Force plan for
transfer of management responsibility to the Air Force, pending
resolution of the proper level of effort and the future of Program
437. It also approves the concept under which operation and maintenance support on JA will be provided by a single engineering and


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