
Walter W




to the impact of their dislocation.

He says but little of radiation,

a lot about social and cultural impact.

Hines! subtitle conceals

the fact that he makes an important contribution to the history of
the testing program. Incidentally, Ihave missed two recent
opportunities to meet Neal Hines, who is now retired in the Seattle


The working title of my book (or my collection of bits and

‘pieces which may some day emerge) is Proving Ground Revisited.
I mean to ask Neal Hines' permission for that and perhaps his
collaboration in some transitional content.

I wonder if you see the Micronesian Independent, the newspaper which
is published at Majuro.
If you don't subscribe, I think it would bea
good idéa.
ERDA and its activities get a fair amount of attention from
the young editor and publisher,


Joe Murphy,

an ex-Peace Corps Vol-

Heis one who probably really believes the ''puinea pig''

allegation; and whether he believes it or not he gives it circulation
and currency.

In the current issue of the Independent he publishes

an exchange of correspondence between the District Administrator
and Dr.


Distri¢gt Director of Health Services.


occasion is the demotion of ''Dr.
' for ''excessive use of alcoholic
beverages, which may have brought on your use of controlled drugs
beyond normal prescription!

Both of the books I have mentioned are probably in the Headquarters

library, and believe that DSS&C subscribes to the Micronesian
Independent (check T. McCraw).

Don't forget to let me know if you will be out this way later this month.


ay, Assistant Manager

nvironment & Safety


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