

Pearet te0 - a”


Ble ef losing Ike Burgess via transfer beek to Cnieago
otfien” ww: eenditions appear suitable for tne ftring of 4 devices for

22 Ostoner.


lo stand-dy 0700 mit,

of Hiko - Crystal Springs - Alamo (Alko Cafe) largest part of

Alte 4 deviess were fired cur instruments revealed ne fall-out above

beekgroun" earee monitored.
Seturned to Alamo 1645 PA.
Robert Elder stopped
at Ike pts" residence and took momitoring file besk to Mereury.


Oetober 1968

Servigg Vehicle and immediately after radie-cheekia proceeded north on High-

Way 99.0 fiko sad then turned om to highway 38 end monitored te Sumnywide.
After eperting only background readings to Sunnyside ve were instyueted to
@oatipe wp Highway 38 to Lund, Only beckground readings were reeerées end
Teparte, to Mereury. Returned to Alamo 1836 hours.

Friday 24 Ostobder 1966


Routine day.
£1112 eat Alamo startiag at about
‘heard in the distanee. There is a

Light showers

Saturday 28 Ostober 1966
Routine day.


Rein ceased iste last aight.

One devices was fired et 31680 IT and I am stand

at 0160 PET 36 Geteber and Ike Burgess will take the 66060 PET standby.

Routine day.

Hayward, Jennings and Pate left for their hewes.

Select target paragraph3