By: Orville BD. De Frain

Thureday 16 October 1958

Station log to 16 October inclusive has been sent to Mercury as requested via
radic on this date. Mrs. Poremaster (Robert) PTA President, has stated she

would allow the color film, ‘Offsite #nitoring’ be shown with the PTA projector

at the Alko Cefe to those persons unable to see the film at the regular PTA
showing on 15 October at the Alamo School, Plans for the second showing will
be the early part of the week of 20 October. The patrons appeared well pleased
with the first showing. The day passed routinely. The detachment of Air
Yorce Personnel are leaving the ares.
Film badges were collected from the
Pilm badge #
Pilm badge @¢

Capt. Antonio

Film badge #
Film vbedge #
It may be stated here that general radio instructions are briefly recorded on
@ separate daily sheet ~ hence only on occasion is “stand-by” or other radio
information recorded.
Friday 17 Octobar 1958
The usual routine. At 1800 hours was instructed to proceed monitoring north
ou #25 at Junction of Highways 25 and 93. After shout 13 miles on highway

we were instructed to return to Alamo Station.

Saturdsy 18 October 1958

At about 0930 MET was instructed to monitor off highway # 35 toward Irish


Proceeded in that direction on past Rosey's Mine at Irish Mountain

But found no fallout.
At approximately 1300 hours MST was iastructed to
monitor road from end of pavement (black-top) at Hiko to Adaven (Sherp Ranch).
About 25 miles from starting point noted above reportable fallout wes found.

Details were radioed to Mercury. Near Adaven we were instructed to proceed to
original destination and return to Alamo Station.
Returned to Alamo at 1830

hours and will be on radio stand-by at 2200 hours MST.

-Sunday 19 October 1968
‘Routine day.

Had tire repaired at Ash Springs.

hours (11:30 PM MST).

Stood-by radio check-in at 2230

Monday 20 October 1958
Routine day,

Have had difficulty the past 4 or & days with trensuitting and

Feceiving radio messages.

Nave tried numerous locations for attempted improve-

ment but without measurable difference.

Lost radio stand-by 11:30 PM MST.

Select target paragraph3