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Protocol 1973

the AEC Honolulu Office, has agreed to accompany us on the survey in order
to help answer any AEC-directed questions from the Marshallese, Mr.
Streenan has always been extremely helpful in logistic support of our


In addition to the above personnel, Mr. Carl Thien, a BNL

public relations man and Mr. Douglas Humphrey, photographer, may be
accompanying the team to document various aspects of the survey.

The following is a tentative roster of personnel participating in the

survey with possible assignments:


Dr. Robert A. Conard

Administration Assistant, Routeing of people:
Medical Histories:

Physical Exams:

Mr. Bill Scott (BNL)

To be designated (r.T.)*

Dr. Yon Wolff (NIH)
Dr. Reed Larsen (Univ. Pittsburgh)


Dr. Knud Knudsen (BNL and Marshall Islands)

Dr. Ezra
Diabetic Survey:

Genetic Survey:

Dr. James Field (U. Pittsburgh)
Dr. Isaao Kisino (T.T. )*
Mr. Nelson Zetkeia (T.T.)*
Dr. Robert Conard
Mr. Nelson Zetkeia (T.T.)

Hematological Exams:

Urine Analyses:

Riklon (T.T.)*

Mr. Sebeo Shoniber (T.T.)*
Mr. Peter Heotis (BNL)
Mr. Robert Brown (BNL) indefinite as yet.

Mr. Bill Scott

X Rays and Photography:
Radiological Surveys:

Mr. Ernest Libby (T.T.)*3; Electronics - Mr. Douglas
Clareus BNL)
Dr. Stanton Cohn (BNL)

Personnel Monitoring:


Environmental Surveys:
AEC Representative:

Public Relations:

John Rothmann (BNL)

To be designated (BNL)
To be designated (Univ. Washingto

Mr. William Streenan (AEC, Honolulu)

Mr. Carl Thien (BNL)
Mr. Douglas Humphrey (BNL)

Possible guests from Micronesian Congress:

Senator Olympio Bor ja
Mr. Bryan Farley


*To be approved by Trust Territory


Select target paragraph3