Mr. Richard M. Nixon
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government simply presented the Bikinians with a completed, nonnegotiable document entitled “Agreement in Principle Regarding the
Use of Bikini Atoll:.
The agreement specified that the United
States would give the Bikini people $325,000 and use rights on
Kili and some islands in Jaluit, in return for use rights to
Bikini atoll.
It appears that the 25,000 one dollar bills taken
to Kili with the dcument had the intended effect -- The Bikini

people accepted the proferred agreement.
$25,000 was given in
cash, to be divided among the people, and $300,000 was to be set
aside in a trust fund.
The Trust Fund has been a miserable failure,

and is one of the primary reasons for th continued grievance of
the Bikini people.

The Trust Fund was to be established with $300,000, according
to the "Agreement in Principle":
". . . (b) the remaining $300,000
to be placed in a trust fund to be established and administered by
the High Commissioner . . ."
In contrast to what the agreement

says, the facts appear to be that a good deal less then $300,000
was put into the Trust Fund.
About 1970, the
sale of the govern-

ment bond that constituted the Bikini Trust Fund yielded only
Had the bond be allowed to mature, it would have yielded
$309,000 in 1983.
But a statement of yield is a far cry from what
the "Agreement in Principle" promises.
The people of Bikini want

to know what has happened to the balance of the money allegedly
invested for them.
If the money was invested, what sort of trustee

have they who would allow a $104,000loss over the years?

If the

money was not invested, then the $100,000 or more that was omitted
should be added to the Trust Fund now, with interest.

The income that has been derived from the Trust Fund is minimal.
Until an amendment to the original agreement was made in
1971L, the Trust Fund earned only 3 1/3%interest.
Even now the
income is only 9,035.28 per year, and amounts to no more than a
pittance when divided among the Bikini people twice a year -in fact,

it comes to about $12.00

for each person.

having such a Trust Fund are obviously quite small.
In August,


The joys of

President Lyndon Johnson announced that some

of the islands on Bikini atoll would be cleaned up and returned to
the people of Bikini for resettlement.

Certainly this was a day

of rejoicing for the Bikinians, but subsequent events concerning
the rehabilitation of their atoll have left them cynical and demoralized.
The rehabilitation project has been bungled from the beginning.
In 1970 the Bikini people met with Trust Territory representa-

tives to tell them that the contractor the

Trust Territory had

selected for the rehabilitation project was unacceptable.


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