- 35 to a misdirection of the NCI program.
Page 15, lines 14-16 - "Published evidence’3?~*>)


that atherosclerosis is a tumor of the artery wall and that the
alpha activity at the calcified plaque site is likely to be the
mutagenic agent."

This "evidence" has already been reviewed.

Nowhere is evidence

presented that atherosclerosis is a tumor of the artery wall or that
alpha activity is likely to be the mutagenic agent.

This statement

is presented as fact, whereas it is the author's opinion.

Page 15, lines 16-19 - "If so the major causes of death in the
general population, - coronary disease, other cancers, and strokes may in large part/ attributable to internal alpha emitters from
natural and pollutant sources.”

The phrase "If so" conditions the remainder of the sentence to be true
only if the preceding sentence is factual, which has yet to be proven.
The sweeping generalization is poorly founded, as has been previously
Page 15, Lines 19-21 - "If so,

fallout plutonium and alpha emitting

contaminants must already be contributing to increased health risks
and Life shortening to ghe general public."

Again the sentence is a conditional one based upon the preceding
conditional sentence.

By this time the author's conclusions have

progressed considerably beyond the data presented in his references.
The author has not presented any evidence to support this supposition.
Page 15, lines 21-26 - "Cigarette smoking causes increased risks
of early coronaries, lung cancer, cancers at other sites, and other

health effects 6) , with about 15 years reduction in life expectancy
for those who regularly smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day or more
(attributable to lung burdens of only about five picoturies of
in excess of that of nonsmokers).

Select target paragraph3