- 32 high concentration of alpha activity in atherosclerotic plaques, which
he has designated as arterial tumors, are subject tomydetailed comnents
on earlier pages of his paper.

The liver cancer sites in thorotrast

patients agree well with the deposition of administered sizeable
amounts of thorium oxide and the consequent tissue damage, as do the
- bone tumor sites in radium dial workers agree well with the deposition
of sizeable amounts of ingested bone-seeking alpha emitters and the
consequent bone damage,

"The difficulties of

The 4th sentence of the paragraph states:

_ producing lung cancer by external radiation has been pointed out by

Warren end Gates(29756)

Such experimental difficulties have more

‘to do with species and strains of animals, getting high enough radiation
doses from external sources into the lungs or into what may be appropriate
lung structures for the species and strain of animal, without severely

damaging too much lung tissue in other ways or other tissues
between the radiation source and the lung and thereby causing
competing earlier causes of death than the tumors of interest,

Some laboratories have been producing lung tumors in experimental
means by radiation from external sources.

There have also been

reports of epidemiological studies showing increased incidence of
lung tumors in human beings following irradiation from external

The author's statement should not be taken to mean that

radiation from external sources cannot cause lung cancer.
The 5th sentence of this paragraph states:

"The absence of

cancers in muscular tissue, except at sites of thorotrast injection
or plutonium injection, also is relevant to this issue."

The author

does not develop further the relevance or the issue referred to, or

Select target paragraph3