- 31 the chromosomal structural changes which characterize a malignant

cell must be brought about by alpha interactions and not by low
In this connection, the determination
intensity X-rays or y-rays.

of the nature of the structural differences between the healthy
and the malignant cells of each organ could shed some light on

this important question."

The first sentence of this paragraph indicates that the paragraph

will present "several other lines of evidencé which reinforce the
possibility that alpha interactions with cells play a unique role in

human cancer production."
If the author intends that the word “unique” be used in the strict
sense of the word, e.g. single or sole, it should be pointed out that
no type of radiation effect has been observed which cannot be caused

by otheragents or conditions, and that no type of effect of alpha
radiation has been observed that cannot be caused by other kinds of
ionizing radiations.

The differences between effects of various types

of fonizing radiations are quantitative rather than qualitative,
and are owing to diterences in relative biological effectiveness,

LET, distribution, etc.
The next two sentences in the paragraph refer to observations of
high concentration of alpha activity et sites of cancer.

In regard

to bronchial cancer sites, the suthor refers to a paper on distribution
of polonium in pulmonary tissues ot cigarette smokers.

In regard to

cancer sites in the lymphatic system, the author refers to a paper

entitled, "Only vertebrates with a lymvhatic system are subject to
malignant disease,” and to a note to the Health Physics Journal,

entitled, "The lymphatic system--a storehouse of long-stay deposits of
inhaled radioactive particles."

The author's references to anomalously

Select target paragraph3