Project Title:

Human Health Effects from Energy Generation

Medical Studies of the People of the Marshall
Islands Accidentally Exposed to Fallout

Expected Kesults in FY 1979:

In view of the serious late effects of fallout exposure, continued medi-

cal surveillance of the exposed populations is mandatory. Special examinations
for the thyroid abnormalities, as well as for neoplasia of other organs and
tissues, and other late effects must be continued. Other studies that will be
pursued include:
A. Thyroid Control Study:
It is hoped that DOE funds will be approved
for carrying out thyroid surgery in the United States on unexposed Rongelap
and Utirik people in the extended control study where such surgery is


Re-evaluation of dosimetry of the Utirik people, including thyroid


Study of the nature and treatment of diabetes in the Marshallese.


Intestinal parasite study in the Rongelap people and the treatment
program with possible expansion of the treatment program to other atolls.


Studies with Dr. Raymond Popp (Oak Ridge) for frequency of isoleucine

substitution in hemoglobin of Marshallese blood as an index of somatic muta~
tions associated with radiation, exposure and aging.

Studies of polymorphism and rare protein variants in the blood cells
from children of exposed and unexposed parents. Dr. James Neal at the University of Michigan has expanded his battery of tests for these variants and has
agreed to reactivate these studies in Marshallese children.
G. An expansion of the educational program for the Marshallese living on
the contaminated islands of the northern Marshalls. Dr. Naidu has agreed to
visit Utirik for a month, and lectures at the time of the visits by the medical team are planned. A booklet on radiation and its effects is planned.
This program is carried out in collaboration with the Safety and Environmental
Protection Division at BNL.

H. Evaluation of body burdens of radionuclides in the people living in
the northern Marshall atolls will be done jointly with Safety and Environmen-

tal Protection Division of this Laboratory who have recently been assigned the
monitoring responsibilities.

Expected Results in FY 1980;

Continuation of the medical surveys of the Marshallese is anticipated on
an indefinite basis. Emphasis will be placed on examinations for thyroid
abnormalities, cancer, hematologic disorders, and other possible effects of
radiation exposure. Evaluation of internal body burdens of radionuclides in

(See Continuation Sheet)


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