Dr, biyake raised questions about whether in livu of the laborious
cleansing methods used in American laboratories it would be possible to use
a plastic film on equipment and throw it away whenever it was contaminated.

Dr, Sterling Hendricks of the American delegation recounted efforts to do

this, using silicones, but said they had not been satisfactory, Dr, Harley
stated that equipment made of polyethglene, such as beakers, and flasks,

were satisfactory if heat is not applied to them.

From water supplies and laboratories the discussion then moved to
dzcontamination of human beings who rective a dusting or a dousing with radio-

active matcrials.

Dr. walter Claus of the American Delegction outlined the

methods of decontaminating human skin, His formula was brief and simple -wash with copious quantities of soap and water, using a mild abrasive if
necessary to loosen a sticky contamination. The abrasive used in America is
corn meal -- a substance which puzzled the Japanese conferees somewhat. Later
in the day a sample of corn weal was shown to indicate the kind cf substance
it is. During this discussion the question was raised as to whether the
methods used for decontaminating human skins could be used for decontaminating
vegetables, Dr, Claus answered that the same principles applied -- wash with
copious quantities of water. In addition, of course, he noted, many vegetables

are Peeled or outer leaves can be removed and the contamination thus taken away.

The question of getting out of the animal and human body radioactivity
that has been taken in with food or water brought a lively consideration of
inste-nees in which ethylenediamine - tetraacetic acid salts of calcium or
sodium took strontium and plutonium from animal bone structure. The conclusion

reached in a colloquy between United States delegate Jisenbud and Japanese
delegate Dr, hiasanori Nakaidzumi was that to be effective in carrying out of

the body through excretion plutonium or strontium, 4DTA (the common chemical
name for this substance) must be administered very soon after the plutonium
or strontium are swallowed; otherwise these elements will become fixed in bone
and the Da will not take them out.

The afternoon session started at 1 F.M, with Mr. Bisenbud presiding,
In the first place, Dr, Hiyama made a brief explanation about the result of
investigations of the Shunkotsu-maru. He introduced hts own theory regarding
the contamination of the sea and its fauna and flora based upon the overall
researches made of the tuna fish ]anded and the investigation carried by the
United States delegation.
Using printed matters and chart, Dr. Narasawa supplemented Dr. Hiyama
on the radioactive measurement of the tuna fish which was abandoned,
Dr. Boss made supplementary explanations and observations.
Dr, Miyake then made a general observation, using charts, on the result
of measuring the radioactive rainfall which fell in various cities and towns
in Japan this spring. Interesting questions and discussions took place on the

rainfall by Dr, Shimizu, Mr. bisenbud, Dr, Nakaidzumi and Dr. Nakamura,

Select target paragraph3