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L. Joe-Deal

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JAN 2 2 1975

AEC had reviewed plans for building the Bikini houses with


the idea of commenting on those things that would keep
radiation exposures down. Among these was use of clean sand

and aggregate for making concrete, addition of soil cement

floors under porches, and covering ground around houses
with coral gravel. Dr. Biles stated that the study of Enewetak
Atoll had developed new findings with regard to terrestrial

foods that are probably applicable to Bikini Atoll as well.

The possible construction of additional houses on Bikini Island

was discussed. I reviewed Gustefson's predicted doses for
a village on Bikini where it was assumed that children would

spend 10 percent of their time in the interior.

See Attachments

Vill and IX. For comparison I snowed preliminary estimates
of LLL predictions using updated monitoring resuits end dose
models that were used to make the Enewetak estimates. See

Attachments X and XI.

I reported that these new preliminary

estimates are disturbing, the problem being the component
of total dose that may come through use of locally grown foods.
I stated that additional restrictions on use of locaily grown
food such as pandanus mzy be needed when those crops start
to become available {in the next few years).



I pointed out that

those living in any new houses built iu the interior of the island
would receive higher exposures than for the present village
location. I stated that it was the total dose that is important,
and that our goal is to keep that dose to a value as low as

practicable and as low as for those living on Enewetak.

Mr. DeBrum wanted to know if it was safe for the people already

living on Bikini Island to remain. The answer given was that
the exposures to external radiation for people living in houses
along the lagoon road was expected to be acceptably low and
that no significant amount of local terrestrial food is yet


The current diet consists primarily of fish, which

have very low levels of radioactivity, plus imported foods.


It was stated, however, thet additional evaluation of radiation

exposures would be needed if more houses are constructed on
Bikini Island in the interior of the island where levels of external radiation are known to be higher. These calculations
and evaluations would take about three monthsof effort. DOE ARCHIVES
Harry Brown stated that there is need to establish a Bikini

Advisory Group, BAG, (my euphemism) to coordinate activities

of Bikini rehabilitation. A member should be identified from
each of the several agencies that are involved. The following

Select target paragraph3