»(Z) = meen free path for neutrons at altitude Z
* Cr n(Z)

gy = total neutron cross-section in air.

Numerical evaluation of this kernel as a function of E and ¢’is underway, and the re-

sults will appear tn a supplement to this report to be published at a later date.

Estimates have been made of the range of validity of the simple, one-scattering ap~

proximation proposed here.

For an altitude of about 100,000 feet, the calculation should


° Source






To Ground

To Ground

Figure 1.1 Coordinate system for scattering calculation.

be reliable out tot’! = 3t.

This means, for example, that correction can be made for the

effect of 10~Mev scattered neutrons at times corresponding to 1-Mev direct neutrons.
In an attempt to overcome the inherent limitations of the single scattering approxi~
mation, discussed above, constant liaison has been maintained with other agencies in-

terested in this problem. The hope is to develop a “workable” Monte-Carlo type of
machine program in evaluating K(E, t').

Select target paragraph3