
number of the Snewetak People can be comfortably housed on the island, The
total environment of Jabtan is a very pleasant and natural one.

As you also know, Medren Island (Parry) has large numbers of buildings and

materials that will be of use to the returnees. In fact it is a veritable
treasure ialand of these valuable materials. I emphasized the fact that the
Enewetak People will need and wmt these materials and that they have so
stated. The ABC and Holmes and Narver representatives appeared to be syapathetic to this position. They so phrased their comments and questions. 9g.
"I suppose the people will want this building." etc. ,etec.
The Holmes and Narver representatives evaluated all structures in terms of
safety, that is structural safety. I told them that the Enewetak People will
want all salvable material on the atoll. I recomaended that the same procedure

be followed on Enewetak in the Cleanup operation as was done on Bikini. That
is, Enewetak men should be hired to stack and set aside all loose building
and other useful materials, and such materials from buildings that will be

torn down because they are unsafe structurally. These materials will be the
property of the Enewetak People, as were the materials on Bikini the property

pf the Bikini People.J feel this policy to be both equitable and practical.

In discussion of the above subject it should be noted that Hr.Joe Rotholz,
Trust Territory Headquarters Community Development Engineer arrived on
Enewetak on the plana in which I departed. He stated that he planned to make
a survey of the buildings and materials on the atoll, in company with the
Holmes and Narver representatives. The Latter had no prior knowledge of his
impending arrival. Mr.Rotholz remained on Enewetak for almost a week on this


During the remainder of my time on the atoll I gave two lectures with

question and answer sessions at the request of Mr.Ray. The subject was the
history and the culture of the Enewetak People, their removal from the atoll
and their life on Ujilang. I discussed the way of Life of the people, their

pattern of Living, their exploitation of the envirohwent and the econony,
and their attitudes toward the atoll home and needto return. The lectures
were well received,
I also made a preliminary report in response to Dr.Nervik's request and


questions. I have submitted these data with a covering letter dated 10/31/72.

I departed Enewetak for Kwajalein on 10/18/72 and arrivedthe same day. I spent
the remainder of my time on Kwajalein while awaiting transportation to Majuro

on Commmity Development business. I returned to Majuro on 10/27/72.
Jack A.Tobin

Hr Roger Ray, UeSeAeb Cay

Las Vegas, NOVe

Dr Walter E. Nervik, LLL, Livermore, Calif.
Deputy High Commissioner

Chief, Com Dev

MLS, Majuro

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