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17, Our transinission to the tnitea Kingdom consisted of a
written report and more detatied otal statements concerning
weapons we now have and will shortly have in Production.


were details of pize: vetght! shapé, - yield, amount of special

nuclear material, method of nuciléat safing, mechanical and
electrical design, and vulnerability,
18,.The United Kingdom representatives presented parallel
information together with an indication of weapons they intend
to develop.

Following completion of allitems in the agenda,

the United Kingdom representatives gave an oral presentation of
their state of achievement in the nuclear weapons field, in

which they described two rather sophisticated,


small, fission devices, one of which had been tested andthe other
of which was to be tested,

19. During the first meeting it became obvious that the
United Kingdom has achieved an advanced state of weapon research
and development in both the fission and thermonuciear fields.

Moreover, it appeared likely that certain advances made by the
United Kingdom would be of benefit to the United States.
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