


(tr. Alerlay)
“An environmental

‘watchdog' orranization has accused the

United Nations Environment Prozranme of suppressin= its own report
on possible health hazards in nuclear energy and the danrers of accident
at nuclear-power insta}lations.


“The Environment Liaison Centre, which has headquarters here and
represents the interests of a wide range of non--povernmental frouns
concerned about the environment, said that the report was not released
in April as scheduled because of pressures from a nuclear-nover lobby

led by the International Atomic Energy Agency, a United Nations entity.*
I would certainly hope that the proposed survey to conduct epidemiological
studies in the Marshalls would not be made this Agency.


I should like to mention for the record that the copy

of ‘ir, Alcalay's statement that is being distributed has documents appended.
The next speaker is Father illiam Wood, on whom I now call.
Father 1100D:

<A coalition of American religious and academic orranizations

and individuals appears today to submit this communication to the United Nations
Trusteeship Council.
The coalition examines the relationshivus between the United States and
Micronesia so that it may help the United States to fulfil its Trusteeship

‘Our initial assessment of the United States record leads us to the

eonvietion that this obliration has not been fulfilled.
The coalition was formed in response to issues of justice and human rirhts to
which our attention directed by the Pacific Conference of Churches, an orsanization

of Catholic and Protestant Churches in the Pacific.

This Pacific Conference is

convinced that the United States has, by promoting its own special interests,
impeded the processes through which the peoples of the Trust Territory misht
fully realize their ritht to self-determination and human fulfilment.



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