NV/HEGC Mtg.-Sept. 26-27,


Page 12

Concerning the A4/A6 bomb rack reliability, the Group was informed that
cause of weapon "hangup"

has been the failure of a pin-type mechanical

linkage on the forward hooks.

These pins are being replaced whenever

the rack is due for overhaul, after 90 drops, not feasible at the

squadron level, but rather accomplished at a maintenance center because
of the major disassembly required.
A specific designation of a jettison area, whether it be the target area
or some other area,


considered necessary as a means of guarding

against an aircraft or weapon, or both, going into a line of exercise
troops or other area which is potentially dangerous.

Marine Corps representatives pointed out the difficulty involved with
the single engine A4 in that a flameout or loss of the engine results in

the loss of hydraulic power.

This, in turn, makes the maneuvering of

the aircraft to a specific location extremely difficult.

The A6, how-

could maneuver on one engine and probably make it back to the

landing strip.

During a discussion on the safe fire area for howitzers and action to

be taken in case of an abort, it was pointed out that the safe quadrant
area to which the plan refers does not refer to a target impact area


but rather to a safe muzzle elevation.

In the event of an abort,


"hold," the round would be "punched out" or removed by removing the
primer and the propellant charge
cally pushing out the round.


depressing the muzz Te and physi-


SNL vi:

SY gf

Select target paragraph3