
Discussions Bearing on Proposal


Scope of Operation




fhe full scope of Operation Hardtack represents an increase in effort over

Operation Redwing of 75-100%. The figure of 25 to 30 shots total would off-

hand seem to indicate that Operation Hardtack will be 75-100% longer in the

operational phase. From the UCRL point of view, this is not necessarily
so as the schedules for firing at Bikini and Taongi will show. It is our
opinion that the entire Hardtack Operation can be concluded within a period

of time equal to, if not less than, that requiredfor accomplishing Redwing,

providing Taongi is employed.

Reasons for this difference are pointed out in the following discussions:





dimm total of 14 devices:

One of the two stage tes

is expected.to yte andS@-Tired as a rather heavily diagnosed
surface or short tower shot.

This’shot, plus two or three of the lower

yield twoestage devices, and the five single stage devices will be comnitted
to the Tare-Uncle Island complex for testing. Such a firing program can
start with the beginning of the operational phase and be concluded as rapidly
as possible. At the same time, preparations and firing of large devices
ean proceed on the northern side of the atoll. Also, concurrent with the
Bikini phase of the testing, and if the proposal is approved, firing of the
large yield barge shots can proceed routinely at Taongi.

Concept of Operation


The aeceptance of the basic principle of dividing the programs of the two
laboratories by locating their respective testing sites in separate atolis
insures the maximz in flexibility insofar as mintenance of ready dates is
concerned, Under this plan, each leboratory is free to change the order of
its own firing with a minimum of interaction with other shots. LASL‘'s occue

pation of Eniwetok and UCRL's occupation of Bikini (even without Taongi) .

affords dual large shot capability and dual smill shot capability between
the two atolls, but with a mximum of two shots on any one day,

The LASL 7 Mf device yield should be tested at Bikini since it is somewhat
larger in yield than the mximum it seems reasonable to fire at Eniwetok.
There is tentative agreement between the laboratories that either group

finishing their shot program in a given atoll would immediately mke that
area available to the agency with shots remining to be fired. The UCRL

planning incorporates the use of Taongi in order to relieve both Bikini and
Eniwetok of yields which would be difficult to interweave with smaller shots
and which would necessitate being much more selective in choosing a safe
shot day, especially at Eniwetok. Following are two schedules for UCRL shots

with and without the proposed Taongi firing capability. These schedules are,
of course, not firm at this time, but incorporate the basic thinking and are

therefore not just examples, but typical of the finel Hardtack schedules.
These prospective schedules are the culmination of several planning con-

ferences in our own organization at Livermore and reflect the UCRL point of
view toward accomplishing the operation in the shortest time practical for
each of the two cases:


Select target paragraph3